[94-1] A. V. Kupliauskienė, Relative intensities of shake-up satellites in photoionization of potassium atoms from
4s and 3p
4p, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 27, 5647 (1994).
[95-1] R. Kisielius, K. A. Berrington, P. H. Norrington, Relativistic study of electron-impact excitation of hydrogen-
like ions, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 28, 2459 (1995).
[96-1] P. Bogdanovich, G. Tautvaišienė, Z. Rudzikas, A. Momkauskaitė, A simple method of accounting for correlation
effects in electron transitions and its application in finding oscillator strengths and the solar abundance of zirconium,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 280, 95 (1996).
[96-2] P. Bogdanovich, S. Šadžiuvienė, V. Tutlys, Partial diagonalization of large energy matrixes, Lithuanian
Journal of Physics 36, 354 (1996).
[96-3] A. Kupliauskienė, Simultaneous photoionization and excitation of Li, Na, and K atoms in the ground and
excited state, Physica Scripta 53, 149 (1996).
[96-4] R. Kisielius, K. A. Berrington, P. H. Norrington, Atomic data from the IRON Project. XV. Electron excitation
of the fine-structure transitions in hydrogen-like ions He II and Fe XXVI, Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement
Series 118, 157 (1996).
[97-1] P. Bogdanovich, G. Gaigalas, A. Momkauskaitė, Z. Rudzikas, Accounting for admixed configurations in the
second order of perturbation theory for complex atoms, Physica Scripta 56, 230 (1997).
[97-2] A. Kupliauskienė, Simultaneous ionization and excitation of B and Al atoms in the ground and excited states
by photons, Physica Scripta 55, 445 (1997).
[97-3] A. Kupliauskienė, 2s photoionization of Na and 3s photoionization of K in the ground and first excited states,
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 30, 1865 (1997).
[98-1] A. Kupliauskienė, The influence of valence electron excitation on the 2s subshell photoionization cross sections
of atomic sodium, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 31, 2885 (1998).
[98-2] N. Rakštikas, A. Kupliauskienė, Strong dependence of the 2p photoionization cross sections of Na atoms on
valence electron state, Physica Scripta 58, 587 (1998).
[98-3] R. Kisielius, P. J. Storey, A. R. Davey, L. T. Neale, Recombination coefficients for Ne II lines at nebular
temperatures and densities, Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series 133, 257 (1998).
[99-1] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, Z. Rudzikas, Calculation of electronic transitions in S IX, Physica Scripta
T80, 474 (1999).
[99-2] P. Bogdanovich, I. Martinson, Calculation of transition probabilities and lifetimes of the 4d
5p levels in Ag II,
Physica Scripta 60, 217 (1999).
[99-3] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, A. Momkauskaitė, A. Udris, Theoretical calculation of wavelengths and
oscillator strengths of 2p-3l transitions in Mg V, Si VII, and S IX ions, Lithuanian Journal of Physics 39, 11 (1999).
[99-4] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, Transformed radial orbitals with a variable parameter for the configuration
interaction, Lithuanian Journal of Physics 39, 193 (1999).
[99-5] A. Kupliauskienė, On the application of relaxed-orbital Hartree-Fock approximation for the ionization cross
sections of atoms, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 32, 3939 (1999).
[00-1] P. Bogdanovich, I. Martinson, Theoretical transition probabilities for Au II, Physica Scripta 61, 142 (2000).
[00-2] P. Bogdanovich, R.Karpuškienė, A. Momkauskaitė, Calculation of electron transitions in the 2p
of Ar XII and Ca XIV, Lithuanian Journal of Physics 40, 248 (2000).
[00-3] A. R. Davey, P. J. Storey, R. Kisielius, Recombination coefficients for C II lines, Astronomy & Astrophysics
Supplement Series 142, 85 (2000).
[01-1] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškinė, I. Martinson, Theoretical calculation of transition probabilities and lifetimes
of levels of the 4p
5p configuration of Cd III, Optics and Spectroscopy 90, 4 (2001).
[01-2] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, Numerical methods of the preliminary evaluation of the role of admixed
configurations in atomic calculations, Computer Physics Communications 134, 321 (2001).
[01-3] M.-C. Buchet-Poulizac, P. Bogdanovich, E. J. Knystautas, Spectroscopic study of doubly excited levels in Ne
VII** and Ne VIII**, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34, 233 (2001).
[01-4] R. Karpuškienė, R. Karazija, P. Bogdanovich, The average energy distance between two interacting
configurations and its application for the investigation of CI in atoms, Physica Scripta 64, 333 (2001).
[01-5] R. Karpuškienė, P. Bogdanovich, Oscillator strengths of Zn I and Zn II, Lithuanian Journal of Physics 41,
174 (2001).
[01-6] A. Kupliauskienė, On the application of relaxed-orbital and sudden perturbation approximations for the
photoionization of atoms, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34, 345 (2001).
[01-7] A. Kupliauskienė, N. Rakštikas, V. Tutlys, Polarization studies in the photoionization of atoms using graphical
technique, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34, 1783 (2001).
[01-8] N. Rakštikas, A. Kupliauskienė, The influence of valence electron state on the 2p ionization of atomic sodium
by electrons, Physica Sripta 63, 230 (2001).
[02-1] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, A. Momkauskaitė, Some problems of calculation of energy spectra of
complex atomic configurations, Computer Physics Communications 143, 174 (2002).
[02-2] P. Bogdanovich, O. Rancova, Finite-size nucleus approximation for solving quasirelativistic Hartree-Fock
equations, Lithuanian Journal of Physics 42, 257 (2002).
[02-3] R. Kisielius, P. J. Storey, Effective recombination coefficients for N II lines at nebular temperatures and
densities, Astronomy & Astrophysics 387, 1135 (2002).
[03-1] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, I. Martinson, Ab initio wavelengths and oscillator strengths for Cl X,
Physica Scripta 67, 44 (2003).
[03-2] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, I. Martinson, Theoretical lifetimes for all states of five Cl X configurations,
Nuclear Instruments and Methoths in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
205, 70 (2003).
[03-3] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, A. Udris, Theoretical study of the energy spectrum of the 2p
3p in S IX and
related electron transitions, Physica Scripta 67, 395 (2003).
[03-4] R. Karpuškienė, P. Bogdanovich, Two-electron transitions and their importance for lifetimes of levels of
configuration 2p
3p in K XI, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 36, 2145 (2003).
[03-5] P. Bogdanovich, O. Rancova, Solving quasi-relativistic equations for ns-electrons with account of the finite
size of a nucleus, Lithuanian Journal of Physics 43, 177 (2003).
[03-6] A. Kupliauskienė, V. Tutlys, Application of graphical technique for Auger decay following photoionization of
atoms, Physica Scripta 67, 290 (2003).
[03-7] R. Kisielius, A. Hibbert, G. J. Ferland, M. E. Foord, S. J. Rose, P. A. M. van Hoof , F. P. Keenan, Inner-shell
photoexcitation of Fe XV and Fe XVI, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 344, 696 (2003).
[04-1] P. Bogdanovich, A. Momkauskaitė, A program for generating configuration state lists in many-electron atoms,
Computer Physics Communications 157, 217 (2004).
[04-2] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, A. Udris, Ab initio oscillator strengths and radiative lifetimes for Ca IX,
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 37, 2067 (2004).
[04-3] P. Bogdanovich, Multiconfiguration approach in the study of atomic spectra, Lithuanian Journal of Physics
44, 135 (2004).
[04-4] A. Kupliauskienė, V. Tutlys. Angular distribution of radiation following photoionization of polarized atoms,
Physica Scripta 70, 241 (2004).
[04-5] V. Jonauskas, F. P. Keenan, M. E. Foord, R. F. Heeter, S. J. Rose, P. van Hoof, G. J. Ferland, K. M. Aggarwal,
R. Kisielius, P. H. Norrington, Relativistic allowed and forbidden transition probabilities for fluorine-like Fe XVIII,
Astronomy & Astrophysics 416, 383 (2004).
[04-6] K. M. Aggarwal, F. P. Keenan, R. Kisielius, Radiative rates for transitions in Fe XVII, Astronomy &
Astrophysics 420, 783 (2004).
[04-7] V. Jonauskas, F. P. Keenan, M. E. Foord, R. F. Heeter, S. J. Rose, G. J. Ferland, R. Kisielius, P. A. M. van
Hoof, P. H. Norrington, Dirac-Fock energy levels and transition probabilities for oxygen-like Fe XIX, Astronomy &
Astrophysics 424, 363 (2004).
[05-1] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, A. Momkauskaitė, A program of generation and selection of configurations
for the configuration interaction method in atomic calculations SELECTCONF, Computer Physics Communications
172, 133 (2005).
[05-2] R. Karpuškienė, P. Bogdanovich, A. Udris, Ab inito oscillator strengths and transition probabilities of
transitions from 2s
3l and 2s2p
3l in S X, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 89, 45 (2005).
[05-3] P. Bogdanovich, Modern methods of multiconfigurational studies of many-electron highly charged ions,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 235,
92 (2005).
[05-4] P. Bogdanovich, V. Jonauskas, O. Rancova, Solving quasi-relativistic equations for hydrogen-like ions with
account of the finite size of a nucleus, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam
Interactions with Materials and Atoms 235, 145 (2005).
[05-5] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, The theoretical study of spectral characteristics of Ar X, Nuclear
Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 235, 174
[05-6] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, Theoretical study of the overlaping configurations 2s2p
3l and 2s
4l in
Ar X, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38, 1557 (2005).
[05-7] V. Jonauskas, P. Bogdanovich, F. P. Keenan, M. E. Foord, R. F. Heeter, S. J. Rose, G. J. Ferland, R. Kisielius,
P. A. M. van Hoof, P. H. Norrington, Energy levels and transition probabilities for nitrogen-like Fe XX, Asrotronomy
& Astrophysics 433, 745 (2005).
[05-8] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, Influence of the two-electron transitions on the radiative lifetimes of excited
levels in Be isoelectronic sequence, Lithuanian Journal of Physics 45, 347 (2005).
[05-9] A. Kupliauskienė, V. Tutlys, General expression for the dielectronic recombination cross section of polarized
ions with polarized electrons, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions
with Materials and Atoms 235, 257 (2005).
[05-10] A. Kupliauskienė, Investigation of fluorescence radiation following radiative recombination of ions and
electrons, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and
Atoms 235, 252 (2005).
[05-11] K. M. Aggarwal, F. P. Keenan, R. Kisielius, P. H. Norrington, R. E. King, G. J. Pert, S. J. Rose, Radiative
rates, collision strengths and effective collision strengths for transitions in Gd XXXVII, Physica Scripta 71, 356
[05-13] V. Jonauskas, P. Bogdanovich, F. P. Keenan, R. Cicelies, M. E. Ford, R. F. Heater, S. J. Rose, G. J. Fenland,
P. H. Orrington, Energy levels and transition probabilities for boron-like Fe XXII, Astronomy & Astrophysics 433,
745 (2005) .
[06-1] A. Kupliauskienė, P. Bogdanovich, A. A. Borovik, O. I. Zatsarinny, A. N. Grum-Grzhimailo, K. Bartschat,
The role of cascade processes in electron-impact excitation of (3p
autoionizing states in potassium,
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39, 591 (2006).
[06-2] P. Bogdanovich, D. Majus and T. Pakhomova, Investigation of accuracy of configuration interaction for
oxygen isoelectronic sequence, Physica Scripta 74, 558 (2006).
[06-3] P. Bogdanovich, O. Rancova, Another form of quasi-relativistic Hartree-Fock equations, Lithuanian Journal
of Physics 46, 153 (2006).
[06-4] V. Jonauskas, P. Bogdanovich, F. P. Keenan, R. Kisielius, M. E. Foord, R. F. Heeter, S. J. Rose, G. J. Ferland,
P. H. Norrington, Energy levels and transition probabilities for boron-like Fe XXII, Astronomy & Astrophysics 455,
1157 (2006).
[06-5] P. Bogdanovich, O. Rancova, Quasi-relativistic Hartree-Fock equations consistent with Breit-Pauli approach,
Physical Review A 74, 052501 (2006).
[07-1] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, O. Rancova, Influence of the two-electron transitions on the lifetimes of
excited levels in boron isoelectronic sequence, Physical Scripta 75, 669 (2007).
[07-2] A. Kupliauskienė, P. Bogdanovich, A. Borovik, Investigation of radiative transitions between autoionizing
states in sodium, Lithuanian Journal of Physics 47, 7 (2007).
[07-3] P. Bogdanovich, O. Rancova, Adjustment of the quasirelativistic equations for p-electrons, Physical Review A
76, 012507 (2007).
[07-4] P. Bogdanovich, H. S. Chou, Comparison of two theoretical methods for studying 2-2 transitions in beryllium
isoelectronic sequence, Lithuanian Journal of Physics 47, 387 (2007).
[07-5] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, Theoretical investigation of energy spectra of Tungsten ions W
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Lithuanian Journal of Physics 47, 151 (2007).
[07-6] A. Kupliauskienė, A general expression for the excitation cross-section of polarized atoms by polarized
electrons, Physica Scripta 75, 524 (2007).
[08-1] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, Ab initio oscillator strengths and transition probabilities in Cr XVII, Atomic
Data and Nuclear Data Tables 94, 623 (2008).
[08-2] P. Bogdanovich, P. Ščajev, Estimation of LS-coupling validity within configuration interaction approach,
Lithuanian Journal of Physics 48, 17 (2008).
[08-3] P. Bogdanovich, O. Rancova, Quasirelativistic approach for ab initio study of highly charged ions, Physica
Scripta 78, 045301 (2008).
[08-4] A. Kupliauskienė, K. Glemža, K.-N. Huang, Fluorescence of polarized atoms ionized by polarized electrons,
Lithuanian Journal of Physics 48, 25 (2008).
[08-5] A. Kupliauskienė, V. Tutlys, K.-N. Huang, Properties of Auger electrons following ionization of polarized
atoms by polarized electrons, Lithuanian Journal of Physics 48, 49 (2008).
[08-6] A. Borovik, A. Kupliauskiene, On cascade transitions between autoionizing doublet levels in sodium, Physica
Scripta 77, 055301 (2008).
[09-1] R. Karpuškienė, P. Bogdanovich, Ab initio oscillator strengths and transition probabilities in aluminium-like
Ca VIII, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 95, 533 (2009).
[09-2] O. Rancova, P. Bogdanovich and R. Karpuškienė, Quasirelativistic ab initio study of gallium-like
Molybdenum and Tungsten, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 163, 012011 (2009).
[09-3] A. Kupliauskienė, V. Tutlys, Properties of Auger electrons following excitation of polarized atoms by
polarized electrons, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with
Materials and Atoms 267, 263 (2009).
[09-4] A. Kupliauskienė, Fluorescence of polarized atoms excited by polarized electrons, Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 267, 266 (2009).
[09-5] A. Borovik, A. Kupliauskienė, The 5p
autoionization cross section of cesium atoms: contribution to single
ionization by electron impact, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42, 165202 (2009).
[09-6] R. Kisielius, P. J. Storey, G. J. Ferland, F. P. Keenan, Electron impact excitation of O II fine-structure levels,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 397, 903 (2009).
[10-1] P. Bogdanovich, V. Jonauskas, R. Karpuškienė, O. Rancova, Theoretical investigation of x-ray radiation of 4-
4 transitions in highly charged tungsten ions. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A:
Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 619, 15 (2010).
[10-2] R. Karpuškienė, O. Rancova, P. Bogdanovich, Ab initio study of spectral properties of W II, Journal of
Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 43, 085002 (2010).
[10-3] V. Jonauskas, R. Kisielius, A. Kynienė, S. Kučas, P. H. Norrington, Magnetic dipole transitions in 4d
configurations of tungsten ions, Physical Review A 81, 012506 (2010).
[11-1] P. Bogdanovich, O. Rancova, A. Štikonas, Quasirelativistic treatment of spectral characteristic of W
Physica Scripta 83, 065302 (2011).
[11-2] A. Borovik, A. Kupliauskiene, O. Zatsarinny, Excitation cross sections and spectroscopic classification of
autoionizing levels in ceasium atom, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 44, 145203
[11-3] A. Kupliauskienė, Theoretical study of the 5p
nl n'l' autoionizing states of Cs, Physica Scripta 84, 045304
[11-4] A. Kramida, Yu. Ralchenko, J. Reader, NIST ASD Team, NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ver. 5.0), [Online].
Available: [2013, May 3], (National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 2011).
[12-1] A. Borovik, V. Roman, A. Kupliauskienė, The 4p
autoionization cross section of Rb atoms excited by low-
energy electron impact, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45, 045204 (2012).
[12-2] P. Bogdanovich, R. Kisielius, Theoretical energy level spectra and transition data for 4p
4d, 4p
4f and 4p
configurations of W
ion, Atomic Data Nuclear Data Tables 98, 557 (2012).
[12-3] G. J. Ferland, R. Kisielius, F. P. Keenan, P. A. M. van Hoof, V. Jonauskas, M. L. Lykins, R. L. Porter, R. J. R.
Williams, Improved iron UTA spectra - probing the stability limits in AGN clouds, Astrophysical Journal, submitted
[13-1] A.Borovik, A.Kupliauskiene, O.Zatsarinny. Excitation-autoionization cross section of alkali atoms by electron
impact. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 46, 215201 (2013).
[13-2] A. Kupliauskienė, G. Kerevičius. Theoretical study of the 4p
nln'l' autoionizing states of Rb excited by
electron impact. Physica Scripta, 88, 065305 (2013).
[13-3] G.J. Ferland, R. Kisielius, F.P. Keenan, P.A.M. van Hoof, V. Jonauskas, M.L. Lykins, R.L. Porter, and R.J.R.
Williams. Expanded Iron UTA spectra - probing the thermal stability limits in AGN clouds, The Astrophysical
Journal, 767, 123 (2013).
[13-4] R. Karpuškienė P. Bogdanovičius and R. Kisielius. Significance of M2 and E3 transitions for 4 p
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4 f –configuration metastable-level lifetimes. Phys. Rev. A 88, 022519 (2013).
[14-1] G. Kerevičius, A. Kupliauskienė. Strong asymmetry of the angular distribution of Auger electrons from
electron-impact excited autoionizing states of Rb. J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 488, 042001 (2014).
[14-2] A. Kupliauskienė, A. Borovik, G. Kerevičius, V. Roman. On spectroscopic classification of autoionizing levels
in Rb atoms. J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 488, 042002 (2014).
[14-3] A. Borovik, A. Kupliauskienė. Excitation-autoionization cross section of alkali atoms by electron impact. J.
Phys.: Conf. Series, 488, 042003 (2014).
[14-4] A.Kupliauskienė, A. Borovik. The 1sn
electron spectra of lithium atoms. J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 488,
042004 (2014).
[14-5] A. Kupliauskienė, A. Borovik, V. Roman. The 4p
core excitation of Rb
by low energy electron impact. J.
Phys.: Conf. Series, 488, 042005 (2014).
[14-6] A. Borovik, A. Kupliauskienė. The 2p
autoionization cross section of Na atoms excited by low-energy electron
impact. J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 488, 042006 (2014).
[14-7] V. Hrytsko, V. Roman, A. Kupliauskienė, A. Borovik. The 4p
electron energy-loss spectrum of Rb atoms. J.
Phys.: Conf. Series, 488, 042007 (2014).
[14-8] V. Roman, A. Borovik, A. Kupliauskienė. Excitation function of high-lying autoionizing states of Rb atoms. J.
Phys.: Conf. Series, 488, 042018 (2014).
[14-9] R. Kisielius, V. P. Kulkarni, G. J. Ferland, P. Bogdanovich, M. L. Lykins, Atomic data for S II
- toward better diagnostic of chemical evolution in high-redshift galaxies, Astroph. J., 780:76
(11p) 2014.
[14-10] P. Bogdanovich, R. Kisielius, Energy level properties of 4p
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4f, and 4p
of theW
ion, ADNDT, 100 (2014) 1593-1602.
[15-1] G. Kerevičius ir A. Kupliauskienė. Classification of the 5p
nln'l' LSJ energy levels of Cs excited by 30 eV
electrons, Lith. J. Phys. 55, 84-91 (2015).
[15-2] G. Kerevičius and A. Kupliauskienė. Classification of 30 eV electron-impact excited 5p
nln′l′LSJ states of
Cs, J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 635, 052005 (2015).
[15-3] P. Bogdanovich, R. Karpuškienė, R. Kisielius. Quasirelativistic calculation of 4s
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configuration spectroscopic parameters for W
, Phys. Scr. 90 (2015) 035401 (8pp).
[15-4] R. Kisielius, V.P. Kulkarni, G. J. Ferland, P. Bogdanovich, D. Som, M. L. Kykins. Atomic data for Zn II -
Improving Spectral Diagnostics of Chemical Evolution in High-redshift Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal, 804:76
(10pp), 2015 May 1, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/804/1/76.
[15-5] R. Karpuškienė, P. Bogdanovich, R. Kisielius. Metastable level properties of the excited configuration
4f. Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 55 (2015) 73-83, doi:10.3952/physics.v55i2.3097.
[15-6] M. L. Lykins, G. J. Ferland, R. Kisielius, M. Chatzikos, R. L. Porter, P. A. M. van Hoof, R. J. R. Williams, F.
P. Keenan, and P. C. Stancil, STOUT: Cloudy‘s Atomic and Molecular Database, The Astrophysical Journal, 807:118
(9pp), (2015), doi:10.1088/0004-637X/807/2/118.